

Important Reminders for Kids’ Dental Health

Apr 16 • 1 minute read

Parents and children alike benefit from conscientious oral healthcare. To help you achieve the best dental care possible, we’ve compiled some important reminders to help your child maintain their oral health.

Reinforce a Positive Relationship with Dentistry

It’s important that your child relates positive emotions about visiting the dentist. This makes future appointments stress-free events for you and your child. Bringing your child with you to dental appointments whenever possible is a good way to familiarize them with the process and the different kinds of procedures.

Introduce your child to dentistry as early as possible. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests children visit a dental office by their first birthday. Seeing a dentist at the first sign of a tooth’s eruption eliminates trauma and allows your child to become familiar with the environment.

Take Care of Baby Teeth

Encouraging children to brush and floss every day at the same time of day will encourage healthy habits. Baby teeth are important placeholders for permanent teeth. They are intended to fall out only when the replacement tooth is ready to erupt. When baby teeth are lost early due to trauma or decay, it can create potential orthodontic issues.

Monitor for Orthodontic Issues

Dentition develops rapidly through childhood and early adolescence, so it is important to be examined regularly for crowding, uneven spacing, and improper jaw alignment. The earlier potential problems can be identified, the less invasive and more economical the treatment will be.

Discourage Bad Habits

Thumb sucking or going to bed with a bottle are habits that can obstruct proper oral development. Thumb sucking cause teeth to become crooked, while children that sleep with a bottle put their teeth at greater risk for developing decay. Offer snacks and drinks with little or no sugar to prevent early decay and provide the best nutrition possible for your child’s developing oral health.   

Learn More Pediatric Dental Tips from the Fair Oaks Family Dental Team

At our Pasadena dental practice, we provide dental care for the whole family. Visit Fair Oaks Family Dental today and keep your family on the right track to optimal oral health. Call us today!

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Phone: (626) 449-3700
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Saturday 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm
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Phone: (818) 351-1638
Phone: (818) 780-7555
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00 Am - 7:00 Pm
Saturday 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm
(Fridays - Orthodontics)